Monday, 16 September 2013

Review of 2013... Coming soon

This is a place holder really... in my attempt to blog more often!

I'm only done two races this year, but upped my distance to a middle distance race.  Inspired by a friends blog of the middle distance race (Eirias), I'm going to try to do the event justice by giving it a full post.

I'm also at the stage where I need to decide what to enter and train for next year.  I love the idea of completing either the Eirias (middle) or Slateman (standard) again... but it's too early to commit to anything at this stage.  I will be competing in the Leeds triathlon again; and hoping to improve on this years time.

Things only a parent would know

Chains need looking after... cleaning and lubing.  After four years of bike commuting, in my opinion this is a 50/50 split (if you want the chain to last).

There is a whole assortment of cleaning devices... and in the last 20 odd years I've bought a number of the clip on machines; and always been disappointed (bits fall off, degreaser leaks, the chain never gets really clean).

So as part of my chain nightmares over the last few snowy winters I started using the same technique I use for my motorcycle chain:

  • Spray with WD40 (or the green version of Gunk)
  • Use old T-shirt to wipe of... removing oil and grit
  • Lube 
This works but takes time and is still messy.  I now use baby wipes (fragrance free, but that's just old habits)...

  • Use wipes to rub the chain on the largest chain wheel, wiping top/sides and rolling the links to clean these two
  • Move chain around a bit and repeat
This normally uses three wipes in total, and is very quick.  Then remember to lube when done.